Saturday, February 27, 2010

If you are a very active person what is a better choice saline or silicone breast implants?

Saline. If they burst while you are being active, the saline is not toxic to your body, whereas the silicone is.If you are a very active person what is a better choice saline or silicone breast implants?
Saline ones are better because if they break, they aren't as toxic.If you are a very active person what is a better choice saline or silicone breast implants?
Silicone cohesive gel (gummy bear implants). Saline is just awful, it looks unnatural and regular silicone may cause problems if it leaks.

HTH : )
if your active you shouldn't becuase they are painful and they will slow you down. also, it will hurt to run. also, you will have to completely not move for a week.
Neither, women who want breast implants have a low self esteem. Work on that and you won't need implants. The risks are real. Infection, bad doctors, lopsided boobs, death from the medicine overdose, this stuff happens everyday.
There are no substitutes for the real thing.
please, be yourself, there are some of us, that like smaller.

do neither is the safest anyway.
I agree, saline is better than silicone because of the health risks involved. And, if you're active, there's more chance that the implant could rupture.
I used to work with an awesome plastic surgeon at the Mass General Hospital, and I learned that silicone looks so much nicer and real . Although, some docs are not using silicone anymore I know a great one that uses silicone and they all end up looking and feeling natural. Saline however does the job but I learned that aftter a few years they become to droopy and a pocket forms around the side of the implant. The best advice I could give from someone that has seen many breast augmentations Choose silicone but dont go to big cause that makes them look unnatural. bye
Most modern day surgeons will use implants with a silicone outer shell and various fillings depending on what shape and size you desire. You will only be out of action for 1-2 weeks after implants. I would get them placed under the muscle because they have less chance of dropping and they look more natural.

I am a very active person and I just had a Breast Reduction which is a more serious operation and I was up and about 2 hours after my surgery and although I am not back at work yet I was driving and back at University after 1 week.

**Check out this site

There are hundreds of before and after pics of Breast Augmentation as well as animated slide shows demonstrating the various incision tenchniques, and heaps more.

I hope you find this site really interesting :)
why woeld u wan inplants in the 1st place the natuaral implants are #1 no matter what size but if u realy want the answer id say saline but think very carefully about it
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