Sunday, February 21, 2010

Im confused between silicone and cauking.... more?

wat is silicone and what is cauking and when would you use these? Are they both sealings?

What is the material used along window frames?

What is the material around the shower floor where it meets the wall?

Are they both dispensed through those pressing guns?Im confused between silicone and cauking.... more?
They are both caulking or caulk...Caulking also decribes the job performed. I'm a believer in the use of siliconized LATEX caulk in all situations where a seal is needed....however, when holding strength is required, I go for the silicone. In bathrooms I alway use LATEX caulk with mold inhibitor. Silicone caulk is not good for showers/tubs because mold loves the stuff. And a great bonus for NON silicone users is that it cleans up so easily! Clear and non clear caulk has it's place.

A caulking ';gun'; is the best tool as compared to the little squeeze tubes you can buy. The trick with the gun is to not squeeze too much caulking out and to remember to press the pressure release as soon as you have covered a given area.(do small areas at a time until you get a feel for it. After a bead is applied, wet your finger and lightly smooth out the bead. When cutting the tip, less is best to start. The speed at which you slide the caulk bead will also determine the amount applied. I don't cut the tip at an angle because I already hold the gun at an angle, and it helps me to control how much caulk I use and/or waste. Practice makes perfect. As you smooth out the material, wipe the excess from your finger so it doesn't create a mess.

Latex sealant can be used anywhere, anytime

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