Only use silicone cement that says on the label that it can be used for aquariums. There is a very important difference, Most silicone caulk and adhesive has additives to retard mold and mildew and so forth. If you use one of these to repair or seal an aqurium, it will kill the fish.Can You Use regular silicone to fix/repair fish tanks, or do you have to use the specail aquarium silicone?
For a 30 gallon + get aquarium grade. The pressure of that amount of water (a couple hundred pounds) pressing on regular silicone would be bad, it would leak and tear. As someone else also noted, regular silicone has additives to it, so definitely go for aquarium grade.
You have to get one that is 100% silicone with no additives.
Home Depot has one (it's even advertised for aquariums) in the caulk section. It's in a turquoise tube.
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