Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can you remelt silicone molds?

Once creating a silicone mold, is it possible to re-melt the silicone mold in order to make a new mold?

10 pnts to the first accurate answer. THANKS!Can you remelt silicone molds?
I'm pretty sure not. For one thing, most cured silicone is resistant to heat up to at least 400 F (and some well up to 800 or more) so you'd have a hard time finding anything that could heat that high.

Also, not sure if cured silicone would melt or would only burn at higher temps.

There are certain kinds of ';one-part'; materials though that can be heated and reshaped... these will be thermoplastic plastics instead of thermosetting plastics. Not sure how many would actually melt rather than just softening though. Friendly Plastic and stuff like it does that, as well as some resins and other things... there's a little about some of those on this page:


......click on the subcategory *One part, reusable clear gels* near the bottom of list, under the subcategory Soft-Setting Epoxies

Also check out various softenable or meltable plastics from around the house on this page:


...click on *Melting, Slumping, or Shrinking Plastics';


Diane B.
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